lördag 8 januari 2011

Är 2011 äntligen året med stort Å? :D

Detta är något jag frågar mig efter några av de bästa dagarna i mitt liv. Så bra start på året att det kan ju knappt vara sant. Igår råkade jag Simon, idag fick jag råka Simon igen men så hade han också med sig herr Daniel Fagerholm i egen hög person, känns faktiskt kul att träffat honom IRL :D Men det är det här jag menar, träffar de personer jag vill å inte behöver jag hänga på krogen heller. Hoppas det fortsätter likadant året ut å år efter år efter år, kanske är det äntligen nu allt vänder :D Känn så men jag tar inte ut något i förskott. Nu börjar jag också känna att det verkligen är dags att försöka återknyta vänskapsbanden till -a- en gång för alla också. Hoppas verkligen att det roliga inte var slut nu, känner mig öppen för det mesta så låt é koma bara :D :P Det kändes riktigt bra att ha de två gästerna här å jag som var så fin i mina svårbalanserade men konstigt nog rätt bekväma svarta lackskor å det svarta sidenmjuka kroppsformande, tajt snörda klädesplagget. Passar dock inte för alla mina gäster…

You Appreciate Honesty

You are casual and unpretentious. You don't have a lot of high expectations... you just expect to have fun.

You are traditional and balanced. You like to let loose, but you never go overboard.

Right now, you value love most in your life. Romance is what's important to you.

You are open to whatever comes your way. You are ready for a big change in your life.

You Are Artistic

You are a highly creative person. Making things makes you feel satisfied.

And while you enjoy creating art most, you can definitely also appreciate the art of others.

You are original and expressive. You follow your own rules and do things your own way.

You appreciate any attempts others make at self-expression. You like it best when people can be themselves.

The Mitten Test

You Have Lots of Compassion

You are a naturally empathetic and caring person. Other people matter to you, and it shows.

You celebrate your friends' successes and sympathize when they run into trouble.

You have a strong sense of justice, and you want to protect everyone who's been treated unfairly.

It's hard for you to judge someone unless you've walked a mile in his or her shoes. You give people the benefit of the doubt.

You Are Driven

Your friends would all agree that you are very accomplished and successful. You get whatever you go after.

You have a lot of energy and a lot of discipline too. You always know where to direct your focus.

You can adjust easily to different situations. You are good at wearing different hats.

You are always charging straight ahead. You have no time to listen to your own self doubt.

The Pasta Test

You Should Resolve to Save Money

Like everyone, you'd like to have more cash. And to be honest, you're living paycheck to paycheck more than you'd like.

You need to get your finances under control - both for your future security and for peace of mind.

You don't have to commit to becoming a millionaire in ten years, but you need to save a little more each month.

The best thing about savings is that they add up. Pennies put away today will be dollars next year!

You Seek Accomplishment

You are brainy and deliberate. You believe anything worth doing is worth doing right.

People love that you have a nurturing side to you. You can be counted on to make anyone feel better.

You are energetic and hyper. You are often on the go, and you can't be slowed down.

You work best when you have the right tools. Get the right materials in front of you and genius happens!

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