Figge åkte ju ut ur Let’s Dance igår, skulle jag fått bestämma skulle det inte gått till så men problemet är att nu är alla medverkande par bra å jag gillar dem alla. Låt bäste man eller kvinna vinna.
Har börjat läsa boken Eat, Pray Love idag, å redan ett par sidor in i den är den tydligare än filmen, man hänger bättre med, inga hopp ännu, verkar lovande :D
Har börjat känna av vårkänslor de senaste dagarna, nu har de vaknat på allvar. Detta är dock lite märkligt eftersom jag hela dagen gått å nynnat julsånger och kollat flera gamla julkalendrar på senaste tiden :P
Så mycket jag planerat skriva i detta inlägg när jag tänkt på det de senaste dagarna, men nu är det borta, kanske det återvänder imorgon…
Your Soulmate is Protective |
You can be a shy and quiet person, and sometimes doing things out in the world stresses you out. You need someone who will speak up for you and take care of you when times are tough. You don't mind being with a partner who likes to be in control, as long as your sweetie isn't controlling. Above all, your soulmate is confident and competent. You could never be attracted to someone who was immature! |
You Are Education |
You are an inspirer and motivator. You have what it takes to make people better. You are a natural teacher and yourself a lover of learning. You never stopped being a student. You are a good influence on others. You are patient, but you also know when it's time to push. You bond easily with other people, especially people younger than you. You love to know you're making a difference in someone else's life. |
You Are Charming |
You are a flexible and fair-minded person. You leave yourself open to any and all possibilities. You are a total people person, and you can't help but be a little flirtatious. You are easygoing and fun loving. You can be a bit of a gossip, but it's only because you care so much about others' lives. Above all, you are diplomatic and a smooth talker. You can get yourself out of almost any jam. |
You Should Have a Pink Laptop |
You are disciplined and organized. You know what you want, and you know how to go after it. You are very prudent. You think carefully before you act. You're a big believer in sleeping on decisions. Because you are quiet and sweet, others tend to underestimate your abilities. You are strong and a force to be reckoned with. You are one of the most determined people around. |
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