Happy days. Jag borde låta mig undersökas av specialist på mental hälsa, tror något är fel. Känner mig onaturligt glad ännu idag. Det har varit flera bra dagar nu :D
Händelserika dagar kan jag inte påstå på bra det har det varit. 2 lediga å en i jobb. Har hunnit med mig själv å allt runtomkring, stå vid spisen å faktiskt LAGA mat. Blivit något av det kortare protokollet på den fronten under senaste tiden. Så bakade jag en paj i förrgår. Tror det var något av det godaste jag lyckts med, utan recept t.o.m. blev lite mycket bakpulver i misstag men bra ändå :D
Jobb imorgon å om jag ska hinna fixa en supergod kycklingsallad också till morgondagens lunch, jobbar, så är det bäst jag nu avslutar min datorsession, hänger tvättmaskinens väntande tvätt på tork å ger mig ut på en lite runda, sen salladsfixande…
Glad fortsättning!!!
You Are Fearless |
You are assertive and self-confident. You've never had a problem with self-esteem. You are goal oriented, both for work and personal self-improvements. You like having benchmarks. You admit it... you like to spend money. You enjoy the thrill of buying the perfect thing. Whenever possible, you like to be in control. You are good at running things. |
You Are a Night Owl |
You'll be the first to admit that you aren't a morning person. You dread hearing the alarm clock. You really don't start to wake up until the afternoon, and you reach your peak energy levels at night. You can't be rushed early in the day, and you hate having a 9-to-5 job. You do better when you're able to set your own schedule. You prefer to let inspiration strike at night. |
You Are Not a Couch Potato |
You're the furthest thing from a couch potato. Do you even own a TV? You are a highly energetic and downright antsy person. It bugs you to sit still for too long. You couldn't sit on a couch all day if you tried. You truly get out there and experience life. You serve as an inspiration to everyone else. |
You Are a Visionary |
You intuitively understand people. You are an amazing listener. You always think before you talk. You consider your words carefully. You are reserved about expressing your true self. You are shy. You are thought to be a perfectionist. You have a pretty clear vision of how you want things to go. |
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