onsdag 20 juli 2011

Ett år äldre och kanske även visare

20 Juli 1988 föddes ett gossebar efter att plågat sin mor som varit höggravid å sovit på balkongen hela sommaren. Nu är jag 23 år. Inte gammal, men äldre, mognare om möjligt. Ja firar som vanligt med att inte fira, skulle ju vara en sak om någon skulle fixa ett “Surprise Party” eller liknande. “Firar” imorgon istället, men A.J., filmkväll å “Arnbergs korsetter”. Hade dock en tårta till jobbet idag, snygg blev den å god sades det att den var, är ju själv alldeles för självkritisk.

Inte hunnit skriva på över en vecka, daton har inte ens varit igång sen tidig torsdagseftermiddag, den har på ett sätt blivit oviktigare.

En Ålandsresa har det hunnits med. Perfekt blev det. Dessvärre för kort. Mycket kortspel å galenskaper fyllt med glada skratt. Hann se lite mer av Geta, shoppade lite smått i Mariehamn, ville ha mycket mera men det var lite på dyrare sidan. Ätit otroligt god mat på Soltuna bara njutit. Längtar till nästa gång redan…. Å jag satt inte vid en dator eller television på 4½ dag, wow…
Resan upp å ner till Åbo gick bra, knappast snabbt å trångt som tusan att försöka få in 191 centimeter i baksätet på bilen. Lugnt ute på havet, förutom en bit strax utanför Åland på hemvägen, tog då bara en Postafen till å fortsatte njuta av buffen med otrolig havsutsikt längst fram i fören. Bearnaisesås, helt sjukt gott, man borde hällt upp en djup tallrik å ätit med sked… Å Tax-Free é ju obligatoriskt men jag kunde aktiskt hålla mig från att köpa kilo å litervis av allt.

Det regnar utanför, just snyggt. Siter å ser på HP 1 å planerar en tårtdesign inför filmkvällen, “Black and White” é temat.

Får se hur många som ännu verkligen minns min dag å inte påmints av facebook.

God fortsättning till er!!!

Detta blev verkligen skrivit helt utan kreativitet men känner mig trött å stressad…

You Are Grounded

You take time to savor every moment. You believe that life is about the simple things.

You are always keenly aware of your environment. You notice every sight, sound, and smell.

You are detail oriented and dislike dealing with theory or abstract thought.

You try not to make things overly complicated. You find yourself returning to old favorites time and time again.

You Are Charming and Magnetic

You are genuinely optimistic. There is too much good in this world to be discouraged by the bad.

Verbally talented, you tend to persuade people with your speaking and writing. You know how to make a strong case.

You are hyperactive and tireless. You've got more than enough energy to pursue all your passions.

You try to stay relaxed and open to whatever comes your way. You don't get hung up on plans.

You Are a Movie

You like to see immediate results for your efforts. You are an impatient person.

You are a very visual person. You feel that there are many things that can't be put into words.

You tend to think big. It's hard to stay motivated if a project is too small.

You live in the moment because you know that it's really all you have.

You Ignore Conflict

You are easygoing and leisurely. You prefer to keep things low-pressure in your life.

You prefer to make yourself happy whenever possible - because no one else is going to do it.

You pride yourself on being low maintenance. You don't complain unless you absolutely have to.

You believe in expressing gratitude, even when times are tough. You are proud to be an optimist.

You Read to Learn

You are more than happy to help others with your skills and knowledge. You have a lot of wisdom to share.

You're very old fashioned. You have a strong set of values that you follow carefully.

You are continually acquiring new knowledge. You are a quiet and persistent learner.

You are a reserved and careful person, but you don't let that stop you from doing your thing.

You Are Bold

You can't help but live a little more brightly and boldly than most people.

You are high-powered and spunky. You bring a lot to the table... sometimes too much!

You love an adrenaline rush, and you want to try every extreme sport. The more extreme the better.

Confident and honest, you're the one to say what everyone else is thinking.

You Are A Big Smiley

You are hyper, energetic, and motivating. You know how to get people up and moving.

You can be a bit of an attention seeker. You don't want anyone to forget about you.

People love being around you. You have a great sense of humor, and you love to entertain others.

You are a natural star and charmer. You're always getting in trouble, but you're always getting out of it too.

You Should Play Classical Guitar

You have an idea of how the world should be. You have a very clear vision for your life.

People respect you for holding on to your ideals. You don't stray from what you believe in.

You're the type of person who still believes in changing the world. You passionately believe that things should be better.

You have strong emotions. You listen to your heart... it has rarely led you astray.

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