torsdag 18 augusti 2011

Tiden bara rinner iväg

Har någon sett det där Simpsons avsnittet där Bart får tag på en magisk klocka som stannar tiden för alla som inte håller i klockan. En sån vill jag ha. Bara för att hinna ikapp lite. saker att göra, stryka lakan å städa skåp. Å just städa skåp retar jag mig på, samma skåp om och om igen. Inte så praktiskt att bara kunna öppna dörren på glänt, vid nästa IKEA-resa ska hjul inhandlas för att göra byrån som, tyvärr, måste stå i vägen lite flyttbarare. Och till råga på allt gör sig ibland verkligheten sig påmind å den kommer ju inte smygande, men bara att räta på sig å gå vidare som vanligt…

Busy days, så att säga å imorgon (idag) é det Kulturnatten, (på en torsdag=helt värdelöst) å sen Juthbackamarknaden, ska hjälpa Boman lite där å kanske slänga någon liten pryl på bordet själv och det kan behövas eftersom inga av mina lönetillägg har utbetalats sen 28.5 …

Nu natten, sådär 2 timmar för sent, igen….

You Are Very Self-Reliant

You are living your own life and getting things done. You are good at taking care of yourself.

You are very independent and headstrong. You surprise yourself with your own strength.

You stand up for yourself and take charge of chaotic situations. You are assertive and responsible.

You do how you please and always look out for yourself. You love yourself and are happy that you put yourself first.

You Should Go on a Disney Cruise

You love to meet people and learn about their lives. You are very outgoing and open to new connections.

You are an amazing storyteller. You always have a new story to relate, and your friends love to listen to you.

You absolutely can't stand dealing with details. Details both bore and annoy you.

You would fit right in on a Disney Cruise. You would treasure the people you meet and the adventures you have together!

You See Love as Enriching

You are highly effective in all areas of your life. You like to take on new challenges.

You don't see love as something that will complete you. Your love is never codependent.

You have high self-esteem. You think well of yourself, and that's all that matters.

You believe that you need to love yourself first in order to find you love. There is no "I love you" without the "I."

The Left Side of Your Brain is Dominant

You are a verbally and mathematically adept person. You notice details, and you are very precise.

You are analytical and linear. You are able to not get overwhelmed and do things one step at a time.

You follow through on the plans you make. You like to have everything neat and finished before moving on.

You are a perfectionist in almost every aspect of your life. Errors and mistakes drive you crazy.

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