Förresten fanns det en del andra irriterande saker under denna flytten. Till att börja med så gick ju inte sängen (120 cm bred) ur sovalkoven, de är båda 2 meter långa och när jag köpte sängen för ett par år sen tog det mig en hel kväll att få tyngt in sängen så bra som möjligt och det har skämtats om att den nog inte går lös vid en flytt, så rätt vi hade. Efter att sen ha lånat en obehövlig säng (också 120 cm bred)av grannen så visade det sig att den ej gick upp gör vindstrappan till mitt nya hem, så ej heller köksbordet. Dessa två prylar forslades därför till mor, hon har e radhuslägenhet under saneringen/renoveringen så dit var det lätt att få in dem. Så därför har jag nu ett trädgårdsbord till köksbort och en gammal 80 cm säng som stod på kallvinden till säng, irriterade, ja men det går, sover ju som tur i oturen alltid ensam :-(
Jisses va skönt det ska bli att vara ledig imorgon, jobbat 5 dagar och stressflyttat samtidigt, det rekommenderar jag bara inte. Har tvättat en massa kläder nu ikväll efter jobbet så nu skulle det bara gälla att få dem hängda och sedan söka mig i säng.
God natt och på återseende….
Your Road is Paved With Determination |
You are a person of substance. You believe that character is important, and you work hard to do the right thing. You don't mind doing what needs to be done. In fact, you tend to relish responsibilities and work. You are tough. You don't complain, even when you are dealt an unfair hand. You deal with life's ups and downs like a champ. Even if you have to pedal uphill for a while, you know it will be a sweet ride down the hill! |
There's a 68% Chance You'll Be Rich |
It's not a shoe in that you'll be rich, but the chances are greater than not. Keep saving those pennies, and figure out a few ways to earn some more. You know that there's no way to get rich quickly, and you're content to get rich slowly. You just need to keep doing what you're doing for many, many years! |
You Are a French Vanilla Jelly Bean |
You are a down to earth person. You believe in who you are, and you don’t need to change. You are very stable and steady. You think it’s foolish to fall for trends. You don’t like to shake things up, but you aren’t boring either. You are deep and interesting and even exotic. You are a popular person. People appreciate that you’re real with them. |
You Are an Indoor Person |
You are the modern type, and you figure why be outside when you can have climate control? It's hard to get you to go outside for more than a few minutes, but you probably enjoy a little it when you do. Studies show that being outdoors can make us happier and healthier people. Consider giving nature a second chance. Find one or two things you like to do outdoors and just do them! You can beat the feeling of a perfect day. |
Are You an Indoor or Outdoor Person?
You Should Write a Book |
You may not feel like you could write a book, but you actually have a lot to say. Just let it flow! You already live in your own little world. You may as well introduce everyone else to it. It's likely that you feel like you have a lot of baggage you'd like to unload, and writing can be cathartic. By writing a book, you would feel a huge sense of accomplishment. And you'd have a legacy to leave behind. |
You Are Charming |
You are a social butterfly, and you're naturally very extroverted. You are very concerned about how others see you, and you try to present the best you possible. Of all the types, you are the most concerned with the style of your jewelry. You are quite fashionable. You love to dress up and look nice. You can feel comfortable at any event, and you always know what to wear! |
Woody Allen Should Direct the Movie of Your Life |
Your life is quirky, offbeat, and filled with little neuroses. You're always willing to step back and look at what's going on. You aren't afraid of a little analysis. You take life too seriously and not seriously enough. You're still trying to figure yourself out. You are smart, funny, touching, and definitely cynical. Your personal philosophy is as unique as you are. |
You Are In Stage I |
Even though you are far from being an actual infant, you are in the infant stage of development. You are still figuring out the world around you, and you are still developing trust. For whatever reason, you don't have a lot of consistency in your life. It's sometimes hard for you to cope. If you're not careful you can withdraw from the world. What you need is more people to love and more hope in your life. |
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