Annars har jag åtminstone lyckats få fixat till datorn så nu har detta huset trålöst nätverk så jag utan några som helst problem kan använda datorn, med betydligt mindre sladdar dessutom :D Håller just nu på att flytta över ett och annat från som funnits på denna dator till en minnessticka så kan jag ta bort min mors område sen, hon har ju egen dator nu. Kanske, med riktig tur blir denna lite snabbare då….
Ledig nu hela nästa vecka. Känns sådär, skönt att vara ledig men tycker om att jobba. Får se om någon ringer och önskar min närvaro på någon annan av stadens inrättningar under den lediga tiden, och huruvida jag sen säger ja. Tyvärr behövs det ju pengar för att överleva.
Har läst ett och annat roligt på facebook på senaste tiden, bland annat dessa två saker:
“Har du svårt att skilja på substantiv, adjektiv o verb? Inga problem, skolan har ändrat sina undervisnings metoder: Substantiv är ord som man sätter "fan" eller "jävel" efter: klockfan, gubbjävel, etc. Adjektiv är ord du sätter "skit" före skitbra, skitsnygg, etc. Verb är ord "utav helvete" efter: drack utav helvete, körde... utav helvete etc. Så nu är det skitenkelt för ungjävlarna att lära sig utav helvete!”
Och ännu bättre
“Rödluvan lyssnade inte på sin mamma, Pinocchio var en lögnare, Robin Hood var en tjuv, Tarzan gick utan kläder å lekte med sin "apa" och Snövit levde ihop med 7 män, den slampan, Pippi jagades av socialen och Emil söp sig full i unga år. Det här växte jag upp med, så klaga inte på hur jag blivit ;).”
You Are Determined |
You are decisive, and once you are set on something, it's hard to get you to change your ways. You are stubborn and hardworking. You are independent and adverse to relying on others. You are a leader, and you don't mind giving out instructions and orders. You are very confident. You are honest and expect the same from everyone else around you. You have no tolerance for deception. |
You Are Serene |
You prefer contentment over excitement, and you always know what's going to make you happy. You seek out peace and harmony. You would like to avoid fighting and discord whenever possible. You are peaceful and calm. You can relax easily and give each thought the time it deserves. You aren't too hard on yourself or those around you. You believe it's important to be forgiving. |
The Candy Bar Test
You Are Silly |
You don't take anyone or anything too seriously, yourself included! You like to goof off and have fun. You believe that it's important to live in the now. You have a wide circle of friends, and it's constantly growing. People love to be around you. You brighten everyone's day, and you live to make other people feel good. |
You Judge People Based on Evidence |
You know better than to judge a book by its cover, and you don't make snap judgements about people either. You look at the facts, and you try to make educated choices. You never mind admitting that you're wrong. It's hard for you to trust people that you've just met. You always need to get to know people. You never go with your gut, but you may be surprised. Your intuition is probably more dead on than you realize. |
How Do You Judge People?
The Meaning of Your Life is Joy |
The purpose of your life is simple: to live it to the fullest. You believe that happiness is a choice, and being happy isn't that hard to figure out. Too many people struggle in their lives. You think they should just let go and enjoy what they've been given. It's easy to find misery, but it's difficult to find happiness. You know that all the happiness you need comes from within. |
You Are Red |
You are a natural leader and a fast thinker. You enjoy being in charge. You live for taking risks, and you usually end up at the head of the pack. You can be impatient with others, especially if they waffle when making decisions. You are logical and rational. You get annoyed by emotional appeals and irrelevant questions. |
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