fredag 29 oktober 2010

Allt eller inget gör ALLT för humöret

Vilken kväll alltså, “Allt eller Inget” är inte alls så bra som ryktet säger, det är SÅ OTROLIGT mycket BÄTTRE!! :D Vilken show, visste ju att de kulle vara bra men hade aldrig väntat mig något sådär bra, helt klart något av det bästa jag någonsin sett på en scen. Nu mår jag super, är lyckig å glad och kan leva på detta en bra tid framöver och kan med denna känslans hjälp tackla alla problem som kommer i min väg :DDD

You Should Wear a Cat Costume

Your brand of sexy is mysterious and alluring. You wait until the right moment to pounce.

You don't like to show all of your cards. You think it's better to keep people guessing.

People find you attractive because they can't quite figure you out.

You are understated and subtle, and that's part of what makes you sexy!

You Are a Vampire

You are a very cunning person. You tend to sit back and observe before you act.

You can be a bit of a control freak. You want your environment (and the people in it) just so.

More than anything else, you want to shape the world. You'd like to live your life a certain way.

You sometimes see people as a means to an end. You can't help but notice what people can do for you.

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