Vad har annars hänt i mitt liv då? Not much. En kollega sa att jag borde slippa ut lite, shoppa en dag i Vasa eller varför inte bara i Jeppis vadsomhelst bara jag kommer mig ut bland folk. Hon var rädd jag ska bli som gamla gubbar som bara jobbar, sitter hemma, klyver ved oh ser på teve. Själv rädd för samma sak ibland. Skyller på att jag inte har någon rutin på mitt liv just nu men det är nog trots allt bara ett svepsjäl, men men, jag är van att leva rätt så ensam varesig jag gillar det eller ej, men det borde nog bli en förändring, vill hitta någon och det gör jag aldrig när jag bara sitter hemma. Nu kan jag höra en kompis söderut som tänker - ”Äntligen har TH fattat poängen, ho läng ha jag int sagt hede tå..." typ. Men det é inte så lätt att ändra på sig så det så.
Tillbaka till att klyva ved, nu har denna mänskan testet på det också, riktigt kul. Jag krävde dock en vedklyvningsmaskin för att göra det men det behöver vi ju inte prata så högt om :P Aldrig att jag kan klyva med en yxa, inte ett helt lass åtminstone. Man ska nog ha en viss teknik som jag ännu inte utvecklat men med en maskin var det t.o.m. kul :D
Imorgon är det 10.10.10 (Tionde Oktober Tvåtusentio), ett sånt datum skulle jag villa gifta mig eller åtminstone få en förlovningsring på fingret, men det finns ju änne två år i framtiden med liknande datum så de får duga för jag tvivlar någon friar sådär helt spontant imorgon :P
På jobbet har det varit fullt upp, nya rutiner som ska utvecklas och läras in, tur att vi är flera som är lika råddiga och nya med det. Jobbade fram till torsdag och nu är jag enligt listan åtminstone ledig 3 veckor men det återstår ju att se, tvivlar som vanligt...
Ha en god fortsättning på kvällen. Här ska jag vänta på att nattströmmen slår på och sen starta torktumlaren, då blir det lite billigare och sen flytta mig upp till mig och se på en film, vet inte vad ännu innan jag kryper ihop under täcket...
You Are The Extrovert |
You have a huge circle of friends, and you're always adding to your crew. You love to be around other people. You are fun-loving and well-rounded. You enjoy most activities, and you find little reason to complain. You get along with almost anyone - kids and animals included. You never feel shy in a room full of strangers. You are very engaged with and interested in the world around you. People matter a great deal to you. |
You Are Bingo |
You are easy going and popular. You have a lot of friends in your life. You are a social person and you enjoy camaraderie. You prefer to do most things with a group of fun people. You love conversation, and you're happy to chat with almost anyone. You simply like people. Old friends appreciate your loyalty and good advice. New friends appreciate how friendly you are. |
You Are Wise |
You are a prudent and rational person. You try not to do anything you regret, and if you do, you learn form your mistake. You are educated or at the very least knowledgable. You have a perception that most people lack. You've learned to be vigilant in your life. You are pretty much always on guard. No matter how old you actually are, you are quite seasoned. You are experienced and worldly. |
You Are Raspberry Gelato |
You have a bit of an edge to your personality, and you're known for coming on a little strong. You are incredibly charming, and you are never timid when it comes to bewitching others. You are an incorrigible flirt, and you often engage in flirty banter for fun. You have people hooked, but you're not as taken with them. You move through social circles rather quickly. |
You Are an Armchair |
You are a supporting and caring person. It's likely that you are an old friend to many. You are inviting and welcoming. You don't mind if people tell you all about their problems. You need to be needed, and you enjoy having other people depend on you. You find meaning in being the rock. People can really let down their guard around you and say exactly how you feel. You know all of your friends extremely well. |
What Kind of Chair Are You?
You Are Oahu |
You're a big city person, and you need the bright lights of Honolulu to keep you entertained. You enjoy fine dining and high quality entertainment. You're definitely looking for the best. You are attracted to culture of all sorts, and you will appreciate Oahu's museums and historical sites. Not to mention some of the best shopping in the world, which is sure to keep a smile on your face! |
You Are Loving |
You love deeply, and your friends and family especially know this. You are a natural caretaker. You are generous with your time and actions. You are extremely considerate and thoughtful. You like to take your time and do things right. You get very absorbed in your interests. A passionate person like you would be happiest visiting Spain, Portugal, or France. |
You Are Paul McCartney |
You are down to earth, relatable, and extremely popular. People find you easy to love. You have a generally sunny outlook but you also know how to delve into the sadder side of life. You move people. You bring beauty to the world. You love to perform, and you are very expressive. You are very gifted and talented, but you're also a hard worker. You understand that success doesn't come easily. |
You Are a Cashmere Scarf |
You have a down to earth personality, and you prefer to go with what's classic. You always rather be chic than hopelessly trendy. You appreciate quality. You are trustworthy and of high character. People know what to expect from you, and you never disappoint. You fit in beautifully, but your class and style always make you stand out a bit. |
Your Fall Inspired Name is Frost Farmer |
How delightful! |
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