onsdag 29 december 2010

Mellandagarna i all sin prakt

Julaftonen kom å julaftonen for. Med blandade resultat kan man kanske säga. Allt var bra tills jag på kvällen kom i kontakt med en kille på nätet, detta var trevliga samtal ett par dagar men redan från första stund var jag säker på att detta då rakt inte stämde. Igår fick jag mina misstankar bekräftade och kontakten bröts genast med några knapptryckningar. Men som tur ä så finns det plenty of fish in the sea så det är bara upp på hästen igen och off we go :D Med allt jag varit med om i livet var detta inget hemsk så bara att glömma å gå vidare, i detta fall enklare än någonsin…. Kom ihåg att nätet är en bra plats men var försiktig, väldigt försiktigt…

Jaja så var det snart nyårsafton då, som enligt tradition nog kommer firas i soffhörnet antar jag, tråkigt kanske men det nya året kommer vare sig man är ute å festar eller ej. Jag föredrar “Grevinnan å betjänten” samt ”After Dark med Babsan” på TV. Lite god mat å dryck å voilá, nya året är här :D

Nu blir det dags att sticka till jobbet, tur att det finns, detta tycker jag speciellt nu efter att ha fått rätsida på räkningarna, som vanligt var det värre i huvudet än i verkligheten men jag borde lära mig att inte alltid förlita sig på min tankeverksamhet :P

You Are Flexible

You crave self-sufficiency and independence. You're ready to break out on your own.

You are working on following your gut. Your intuition is usually right, and you know you should listen to it more.

Your past has inspired you to rely more on others and also have them rely on you. It's all about teamwork.

The key to improving your life right now is to stop ignoring the relationship process. Intimacy can't be rushed.

How Do You Shape Your Life?

You Are Down to Earth

You prefer to celebrate the holidays in your own laid back way. You don't need a lot of glitz or glamour.

If you attend holiday parties, they tend to be a quiet affair. You are past being rowdy.

This time of year has deep meaning for you. It's fine if others don't share that meaning, but you're not about to turn your back on it.

You like to celebrate an old fashioned Christmas. All these new "traditions" give you a headache.

The Holiday Card Test

You Are Creative

You see the world in interesting and unique ways. You are definitely a visionary.

You are constantly being inspired to create something new. You are a natural artist.

You see beauty in almost everything. You can appreciate people for who they truly are.

You are authentic and honest. You may be a bit quirky, but you never hide the real you.

You Will Probably Avoid All Holiday Drama

It's not that your family is any less drama prone than the average family - you just know how to deflect drama.

You remain upbeat and optimistic, even when you're surrounded by stressed out, bickering people.

You avoid being stressed out by taking a break from the holidays whenever you need to.

You remain cool, calm, and collected - even when you're thrown into very challenging situations.

Are You Headed for Holiday Drama?

Your Life's Path is Gold

You seek companionship and good times. You love being around your friends and family members more than anything else in the world.

You believe other people are the key to living a happy life. In return, you provide them with good company and true friendship.

You are charming and outgoing. You have big personality that others don't easily forget.

You love luxury and high quality goods. Luckily, you are quite successful and good at making money.

What Color is Your Life's Path?

You Are Somewhat Self Actualized

Your awareness is medium. You pay close attention, but you sometimes miss certain details.

Your honesty is medium. You're somewhat open, but there are a few secrets you keep to yourself.

Your freedom is medium. You need a creative outlet occasionally, but you don't always need to be original.

Your trust is high. You trust other people easily, and more importantly, you trust yourself.

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