Lägenheten är nu klar och kan kallas perfekt, ni kan själva avgöra, kolla här bara :D http://s247.photobucket.com/albums/gg140/MrDragQueen/Renovering/#!cpZZ1QQtppZZ20
Väldigt nära till jul nu och jag har rätt så mycket at göra dessförinnan, egentligen inte mycket men det känns så. Är väl egentligen bara att baka mina drömrulltårtor och paketera julklappar, detta efter att jag köpt tejp, jag borde väl fattat att jag inte hade någon efter denhär flytten, rensade mycket som kändes onödigt. Snart är det den 23:e December, dan före dopparedag och min 5 dag i sträck att jobba, sen blir det också dag nr.6 men återigen, jag är ung och jag behöver lönen, alltid :P
Suck å stön, dagarna blir på längre sidan, som alltid. Och snart är det nytt år igen, å inget har förändrats, tack för det, jaja, gonatt nu husrsomhaver, vi tar den sorgen när den kommer.
You Are Outgoing and Active |
You love to be on the go, and you have a strong appreciation for nature. You tend to prefer smells (and sights) that are natural and subtle. You don't like to be overpowered. You are inspired and energized by being outdoors. You sometimes feel like you're powered by the sun. You like to be out in the world doing something. You could never be a hermit. |
Your Shakespearean Name is Scarus Gonzalo |
"A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool." |
Your Four Sided Personality is UDCG |
Side 1 of your personality is unassured. You don't like to mention your accomplishments, and you prefer to let others talk. Side 2 of your personality is devious. You are calculating and enjoy being a little wily. Side 3 of your personality is cool-headed. You aren't swayed by emotional appeals. Side 4 of your personality is gregarious. You love to meet and converse with all sorts of people. |
You Spend Like Santa |
When it comes to the holidays, you open up your wallet until there is nothing left. You believe this is a season for giving, and you go all out. You make sure everyone on your list is taken care of. While your generosity never goes unappreciated, you are possibly spending a little too much. Pull back a little. Buy gifts that are a little more personal and a little less expensive. Your bank balance will thank you come January. |
Your Kisses Taste Like Chocolate |
You are an extreme rebel. No one is going to tell you who to kiss. You break all the rules! You are an adventure seeker. You've been known to kiss someone just to see if you can. You're selective about love and romance. You kiss freely, but commitment is a whole different story for you. You and a peach kisser are the perfect partners in crime, but a cranberry kisser is a little too sour for you! |
You Are Creative |
You are open minded, flexible, and adventurous. You never quite know where you're going, and you like it that way. You take a lot of time to enjoy yourself and live life to the fullest. You don't mind being in the slow lane. You find that most tasks are easier than you anticipated. Things are never as bad as they seem. You work hard for the material rewards you get in the end. You wouldn't have your job if it didn't pay you. |
You Are Happy New Year |
You aren't really that big on the holidays, but they do mark a milestone each year. You're a big fan of "out with the old and in with the new." You look forward to a fresh start. You anticipate the clock rolling over to 12:01 and the new year beginning. You try to create your own beginning along with it. And even if you're not sure if any of your resolutions will stick, you're happy to wish everyone "Happy New Year!" |
Your Attachment Style is Preoccupied |
You expect others to love and respect you, but you're still working on loving and respecting yourself. You crave intimacy, and sometimes you try to get too close to people too quickly. You are afraid of being rejected, and you feel ashamed if someone else doesn't share your feelings. You tend to alternately push people away and overwhelm them. It's hard for you to find a happy medium. |
You Are Fanciful and Whimsical |
You're the type of person who acts on impulse. If you're inspired, you just go for it. You're inspired for a reason. You are a big dreamer, and you tend to get lost in your ideas. You can't help but imagine how things could be. You tend to get swept up in the holidays. You love almost everything holiday related, and you stay as busy as you can. You're the type of person who might take on too much this time of year, but you hardly notice if certain projects don't get completed. |
You Are an iPad |
You love to read, but sometimes reading is just not interactive enough for you. You are very curious about the world. You've got to be able to surf the web, play games, and chat with your friends. You need a device that can do everything! You tend to be an early adopter of new technologies, especially gadgets that are slick and well designed. You don't mind spending a little extra to buy a device that you'll love - and that will be the envy of your friends! |
You Are Sophisticated |
You are a sentimental gift giver. You prefer to give gifts that have meaning, even if they aren't particularly useful. You are spontaneous and impulsive. You tend to do things quickly, and you're quite impatient. You are somewhat organized, but you always feel like you could be doing a bit better! You have high standards for yourself. You love to dress up and take care of yourself. You get a lot of confidence from looking sharp. |
Your Winter Name is Conan Christian |
Let it Snow! |
You Are Four Calling Birds |
For you, the holidays are a time of sweet celebration. And you love to sing your favorite holiday songs. You are a joyful person, and your joy multiplies during the holidays. You have so much to be happy about. Your holiday wish is for good times with friends, fun, food, and of course, music. You celebrate throughout the whole season. You truly cherish this time of year. |
You Would Be a Practical Doctor |
You're the kind of person who's concerned with facts and figures. As a doctor, you would be up on the latest research and take detailed notes about your patients. You would be just as concerned with keeping your patients healthy through preventative medicine as you would with curing them. You would be well suited to being an orthopedic surgeon or radiologist. You would also do well running a general practice. |
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