tisdag 6 september 2011

Perfect Home

Jag säger inte att jag mår bättre igen, då kan det ju ändras igen…….

Jobba, jobba, jobba. Städa, städa, städa. Är det månne detta som gör mig frisk. Trevliga dagar har det ändå varit.

Ikväll blir det inredningsparty, http://www.perfecthome.fi/, lite dyrt men mycket snyggt, inget köptvång men har ändå ögonen på ett å annat. Ska bli kul, sist var jag på TupperWare-party, skulle inte handla något då heller :P

Har ett bord på loppis med Boman för tillfället. Fyllde på där i Söndags. Ganska mycket sålt, dessvärre säljer andra saker där också å vissa bord é farligare än andra. Jag fastnar alltid vid bord 91, så också då :D

By the way, jag längtar till nya Superman-filmen...

Your Friends Make You Sparkle

You light up when you're around others. You like the energy you get from being with people.

You are genuinely curious about and delighted by almost everyone you meet. You are a people person.

You have close relationships with your friends. They are like family to you.

You are a very social creature. You like having a large network of friends and acquaintances.

You Are a Crime Drama

You may seem quiet and withdrawn, but you're paying attention to every single thing around you.

You intuitively understand people. You are an amazing listener.

You are very tightly-wound. You can get completely wrapped up in your job.

You're the type of person who always finishes what you start. You like to wrap things up completely.


You Are Very Active

You are a very physically active person, and it's likely that people envy what great shape you're in.

Whenever possible, you choose to get out there and move. You hate to sit around too much.

Keep doing what you're doing! You are likely to be both mentally and physically healthier because of all the activity you do.

You may not realize it, but you serve as an inspiration to your less active friends and family members.

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