Tömde bordet på loppis i torsdags. På en vecka blev det 31.50€ efter att bordshyran var betald. Tycker själv att det var ganska bra med mina låga priser å bara en vecka. Visserligen försvann lite på väg ut, bord 91 igen :P
Fredag (igår) var det workshop på teatern för att lite förbereda oss å hjälpa oss hitta våra rollkaraktärer. Vet inte om det hjälpte med det men vissa delar var verkligen kul medan andra kändes aningen överflödiga…. Men gänget, ensemblen. I love them. Kan inte säga annat. Många nya vänskapsband kan komma att skapas å andra förstärkas :D
Å idag var det min första riktiga repetition. Super gick det å man blir bara så……..GLAD. Jag kan ta kritik å förslag på förändringar utan problem bara de läggs fram rätt. Å vissa klarar detta konststycke perfekt. Å sen insåg jag att min lilla roll ändå är viktig å är större än hur det känns när man bara läser å räknar replikerna.
Regissören måste verkligen känna mig bra också. Hon fick idag helt ovetandes inskrivet något jag velat enda sen jag såg denna video första gången :D
”Apropå” band. Mina förälskelse”band” till Mr. Luke Danes har återuppväckts. Håller på och ser om Gilmore Girls. Måste vara år sen sist. Men visst har man god smak alltså. Hugh Jackman måste nog komma ut med någon ny film snart för att återta ledarrollen….
God fortsättning.
Imorgon repetitioner igen. Nice :D Å då kommer ALLA!!!
You Are Too Nice |
You are a very sweet and considerate person. You always want to make others comfortable, and that's the problem. You are too much about what others think, and you're often willing to modify your behavior to please them. You need to stop being so nice and start standing up for yourself. Practice being more assertive. Never apologize or explain unless you're in the wrong. Say no quickly. It's freeing to stop caring what others think! |
You Are an Idealist |
You are upbeat and hard charging. You have a real "can do" spirit. You believe that things need to change in this world. And you've got the guts to make those changes happen. You see the big picture. Details are important to you, but you don't get bogged down in them. You accept risks as a part of life. When the odds are right, you roll the dice. |
You Are a Chicago Pizza |
You are are a deep and grounded person. There is nothing flippant or superficial about you. You are quiet and reserved. You are more comfortable talking than listening. You are selfless and extremely giving. You are magnanimous and big-hearted. You are a comfort to those around you. You make others feel at ease simply by being you. |
You Are Focused |
You know what you want, and you know how to go after it. You feel equipped for whatever may happen. You are good at putting things together and following directions. You stay focused. You lay the groundwork for months or years before you act. You like to be completely and totally prepared. You are a late bloomer, and you may be coming into your own right now. You're still figuring out who you are. |
You Are Colored Pencils |
You let yourself escape whenever you need to. You don't think there's anything wrong with a little daydreaming. You dabble in creativity as often as you can. You are a major doodler. You are a natural writer of all sorts. You are equally suited writing essays, journals, and fiction. You always have a lot of color in everything you do. No one could accuse you of being boring. |
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