lördag 14 maj 2011

The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority.

- Ralph W. Sockman

Skönt att vara tillbaka i rullorna på  jobbet, visserligen ledig 3 dagar nu men i alla fall. Riktigt skönt att gå hem från jobbet vid 21, på vår å sommar är det ännu bättre.

NU melodifestivalen, skumpan på kylning just in case. Så lär det ju vara en viktig ishockeymatch imorgon. Kommer inte titta på den men skulle ju inte vara illa att vinna över Sverige...

You Are Offbeat

You are brilliant and a rule breaker. You insist on doing things your way.

You have no desire to lead or follow anyone. You're on your own awesome solo journey.

You are independent and original. You are highly inventive and creative.

You don't think you are weird but others do. You have your own definition of normal.

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